Article by: Sam Orgill Published: 13/11/2008
With the credibility of banks shot away you should consider the guarantees available to depositors if the bank goes bust.
With the credibility of banks shot away you should consider the guarantees available to depositors if the bank goes bust.
UK £35,000 per bank rising to £50,000 from 03 October 2008
Ireland Euro 100,000 per bank, up from 90% of EURO 20,000 on 20 September 2008
Germany Have said that they will protect ALL deposit funds
Isle of Man Bank Deposits – 75% of £25,000
100% of funds based in the Isle of Man
Jersey No guarantees at all
Guernsey No guarantees at all
Netherlands EURO 38,000
Italy EURO 103,000
Gibraltar The lower of £18,000 OR 90% of qualifying deposits.
Switzerland EURO 317,000 for Bank Deposits and EURO 2,000,000 for Funds
So, Switzerland is the best place for depositors, Switzerland and the Isle of Man for Fund holders.
Self Managed
So why not let the professionals manage your money?
Why not use technology to help you chose your own portfolio?
Can you do any worse than the bankers have done?
Self Management is an established principle with pensions for business. Individuals can manage their own assets in self-invested Pension and Investment Funds Don’t get caught up with the notion that you have to go through a big Investment company or bank. ProACT can help you set up your own scheme using pensions, property or funds for fixed fees.
Balance Portfolio
A balance portfolio is always recommended. The “Balance” can vary and include:
Yes why not own antiques? Why not buy an unknown, up and coming artist original for £1,000.00 and see it double in value in just 5 years. More fun than financials? Plus they can still be held by your tax free shelter.
Why not buy a share of a boat through a bespoke investment fund – a time share in effect.
ProACT offer tax planning advice and services that the banks and investment funds offer, but also beyond to set up personal, self managed, tax free shelters to protect your capital and make YOU money.
For more information CONTACT US
ProACT Expatriate Advice
ProACT Partnership offer professional expatriate advice to expat family and business living, working retired or investing in property abroad covering tax returns and rebates, making a will, trusts and estates, investment and pensions. ProACT offer free reviews and seminars in Cyprus & the UK on the topics contained in this article or for more information;
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