Published: 17/07/2017
As of 1st October 2017 UK schools can buy and keep a spare adrenaline auto-injector (AAI) for use in emergencies. Visit our website to read more details.
From 1st October 2017 UK schools can buy and keep, without a prescription, a spare adrenaline auto-injector (AAI) for use in emergencies.
This is a change in the law: the Human Medicines (Amendment) Regulations 2017.
From 1st October 2017 onwards, schools can buy AAIs without a prescription from a pharmaceutical supplier in small quantities provided it is done on an occasional basis and is not for profit.
A supplier will need a request signed by the principal or head teacher (ideally on appropriately headed paper) stating:
- the name of the school
- why the product is required
- quantity required
Non-statutory guidance is being produced by the Department of Health to support schools in England in their management of AAIs. Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland will issuing their own guidance to their schools.
More info: SPARE EMERGENCY ADRENALINE AUTO-INJECTORS IN SCHOOLS Allowing schools to hold spare adrenaline auto-injectors
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