About Worldwide Property Link
Worldwide Property Link is a dynamic organisation with expertise developed over many decades of involvement in the overerseas property industry. Hence it is able to provide an unmatched package of services to agents, financial professionals and developers to maximise sales of all kinds of property in the areas of the world favoured by lifestyle buyers and investors.
We are the ultimate global affinity group for commercial advantage. We provide a sound platform from which property specialists and others around the world, can interact and better fulfil their objectives than would be possible going it alone.
Seasoned experts or those who may want to start up and become experts and can generate leads, will find the network and systems to their advantage as will even those who see the potential for adding another income stream to their main business. IFA’s are a good example of a group who could easily benefit.
Developed by experienced professionals including a past Chairman and Business Practices Officer of the Federation of Overseas Property Developers, Agents and Consultants, as well as an expert in the field of Information Systems and Technology, WPL provides a terrific package of benefits, to suit all requirements without the large costs normally associated with running a business.